I'm currently reading this book by Elizabeth Gilbert and I find that it is quite unknown on the internet so I thought that I want to raise awareness for it. But I'm kind of bored with the usual review so it is time to do another 'read along'!
I have already done this in German and enjoyed it very much so now I'm going to do it in English, too.
It works like this: Every time I have read 100 pages of the book I will post an update on my opinion and my feelings while reading. As this book has almost exactly 500 pages I will be posting five updates until I'm finished.
For those who find the updates too much to read I will also be writing a conclusion which will be a very short summary of my impressions.
So, I hope that you will enjoy this as much as I do and here comes the first update:
Page 1-100
'The Signature of all Things' is about Alma Whittaker, daughter of Henry Whittaker who is a passionate botanist living in Philadelphia in the 19th century. She is very well educated and intelligent but not at all beautiful in contrast to her sister Prudence. Like her father Alma develops a passion for botany and it is also a very big part of the story up to now.
The beginning was kind of slow as the book starts out by telling Henry's story which is interesting but not really exciting. But I do like Elizabeth Gilbert's writing style and also the setting although I would prefer it if the author showed some more of America at that time.
I think it was particularly slow because I wasn't able to connect with any of the Whittakers, everyone seems to be cold and unemotional. This did get better though as the story went on and I started liking Alma so I have high hopes that I will enjoy this books even if it isn't a pageturner really.